You are currently viewing SUMMER SOUL-STICE MAGIC


Aloha Family of Light!

Get ready to ELEVATE to the next level of your Souls Ascension plan, or known as your Divine Blueprint. 2018 has already been an incredibly powerful year of revelation, awakening spirituality being an 11 year many souls are connecting back to their deepest truth, vulnerability and truly igniting their brilliance –   as the photons of the light consciousness shifts the planet while revealing the who, what and why we are all transfiguring our bodies – or building our bodies of light as we release deep Karmic DNA from our ancestors so that we can fully anchor Heaven on Earth at this powerful SOUL-istice Gateway.

The longest day in the North, while the shortest in the South. No matter where you are on this gorgeous crystalline planet these next three days will be powerful influxes of energy.

Please join us in person or on the crystalline grid in your spiritual body to celebrate the magic, the beauty release deep pain, trauma held hostage and awaken the love within our hearts!

INNER SOUL ALCHEMY; Bridging the Worlds of Light


We will be Activating the 3 Star-gates within our bodies, the Pituitary, Heart Chakra and the Perineum then traveling up to the Alcyone, the Grand Central Sun

where our solar system revolves around this Sun. This is a stage of Wisdom initiation that elevates your vibration and allows to reveal the next steps moment to moment on your spiraling ascension path. This is why we are including such a profound SOUL-stice event like never before;

Allow the Crystal and Tibetan Singing bowls and bells envelope and instantly relax you releasing stress and anxiety while gifting you with increased emotional clarity ready to dive deep into your Soul, with Jess and Myself

The Cacao Ceremony to heal and release prior traumas awakening your hearts song with Molly

a few Yoga moves  to anchor heaven on earth within your beautiful body temple of light and if that not enough with Samantha

a gorgeous painting  channeling the evenings energy by Sanjay

Come out and join us in person, or met us on that crystalline grid unity in LOVE; after you make a donation below you an receive an email will all the details of how to set up your energetic space and allow the transmission to flow!








Lets come together with a soul like minded community

Please join us for what will be a memorable evening

Imagine your self surround by candles & crystals, a gorgeous sunset overlooking Hamilton harbor with the Princess Point bridge in the distance…

IGNITING your Soul with Yoga and a Sound Bath

ALIGNING your Chakras with Meditation

FLOWING with the multidimensional magic

ELEVATING your senses as a channeled  Live Art show emerges

SOOTH your Soul Awaken your HEART with the sweet nectar of the cacao ceremony


Tuned in, tapped in and ready to soar into the, as yet, undiscovered horizons of the next season.
Surrounded by a community of like minded radiant souls.

Since we all experienced that profound turning point energy blast from these last few weeks of Uranus changing signs;  the energy is literally LIT us from Within, now we need to anchor and actualize all the incredible downloads with the codes of light. Restore, Realign, & Reconnect with your body Temple.

This meditation will be a deep surrender, gifting magnetic clarity and allow whatever you  need in this Solstice Cosmic Moment,  the most within the eternal now  in accordance with your specific  vibratory rate and energy will be received.

A powerful  combination of several difference levels of ascension seats, mindfulness, Violet Flame, Chambers of Light, Sacred Geometry , Merkaba, Language of Light, all to help anchor Heaven on Earth within your Body Temple of Light.

Bring a blanket, yoga mat, water and layer dress as you join yogi’s Samantha Carpino, Molly Kubes, Smith & Patel and myself for a profound evening of magic!

BY suggested DONATION of $20 or pay what you can

WED June 20 @  7:30 – 9pm 

Pier 4  Beach


   After you will be emailed the Receiving Details Passport for this transmission anywhere along the astral plane or location on the planet.


On the astral plane:




For those joining us in holographic virtual transmission your donation below initiates the process. You’ll receive the Holographic departure details after Donation is made –

REGISTRATION – Click here;

or in personal at

WED June 20 – 7 :30 – 9 pm

Suggested Donation $20