It also conjunct Chiron, the planetoid of the universal healer. Chiron helps us to identify the ways we have grown from our wound. So this full moon is a powerful window to identify the patterns of behavior which have kept us bound in a negative bonding dance with others, so we can take steps to change the dance!
So if you feel triggered by old wounds surfacing, embrace the opportunity to feel and express old pain – knowing it is time to let it go. Pisces is the last sign in the astrological mandala, so you may confront emotional endings during this lunar month. The more we accept the inevitability of change and feel the loss of what was, the more available we will be to new opportunities for happiness.
Know it is perfect, it is for your best and highest good. B R E A T H, and trust what is. Allow yourself to let go, even if only a little at first, of any expectations you have. As this is about restoring faith, but not just in Spirit. Its about resorting faith in yourself, in your abilities, in your choices and in your heart. Its about restoring your faith in your fellow human and mankind as a whole. Some of the human experiences you’ve had have damaged your trust and faith. Spirit is holding out their hand to , but it is up to you to find the faith within and to take hold of it. Regardless, of whether you do or not, spirit is by your side every step of the way.