What was once hidden from view can now be seen. Laying within you are many inner treasures and gifts. This is your time of discovery as everyone is gifted just some chose not to open their package. You have special and unique skills that you have hidden, like pearls in a shell. The spiral ascension energy felt during this time ignites the Universal energies presently working with you to help uncover what lies within.
The Ancients understood the important powerful aspects of how darkness played in the work of spiritual transformation & alchemy. As seen in the picture below with the mysterious 13 Maoi (each representing our 13 chakra’s) stand facing the Equinox sunset with the Majesty of the Milky Way or Divine Feminine cosmic portal illuminating them from above; illustrating the understanding of this sacred balancing time of year in welcoming our
The darkness and death (transformation) can be found in the cycles of nature, in the alignment of our planet and traces of it can be found scattered across the globe in ancient legends, myths and sites that have become lost or distorted over time but can still be discovered and sensed with an open heart aligning us with the realization of how we truly are ONE with all the is.
As above, so below.