NEW WORLD; Embodiment

T I M E S have C H A N G E D 🦋 ______________________ So to grow with this N E W W O R L D ______________________ I…

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2015 's best quote; A year that was a Breakthrough not a breakdown. Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created…

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This year started off with a massive emotional cleansing that brought up old, suppressed,  stagnate energy, belief systems and patterns literally from the bottom of our souls for transmutation. This…

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Aloha Family of Light ! One's reality depends greatly upon the levels at which one chooses to receive as you awaken your multidimensionality you awaken the heaven within.   You…

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LIFE RESTORED; Divine Resurrection

Spiritual resurrection is gifted to you now as you have come a long way in your journey. No it hasn't been easy, but you have made it through. Acknowledge for…

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A PORTAL TO ENLIGHTENMENT; Alchemy of the Equinox Heart

Happy Equinox and Astrological New Year! A very special powerful week of which we have just experience the 'critical degree" the last degree of  a sign (Pisces - surrender, dreams,…

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INTERSTELLAR SOUL INFUSIONS; Awakening Transmission and Meditation

Welcome to the new world of remembered multidimensionality. We have been through much trails and tribulations since 2011.  2014 was a  year of enormous emotional healing and cleansing to make…

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DIAMOND STAR WINTER SOUL-istice; Cosmic Pryamid

Are you ready to evolve to the next level. Its no secret that 2014 was a year of intense rapid change and transfiguration in preparation for it all coming together…

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DIAMOND SOLAR WISDOM; Star gate Activation

It has become so clear that we cannot expand into our fullest potential unless taking responsibility for identifying & nurturing our needs is first. Our strength is our love for…

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TOTAL ECLIPSE; of the Blood Moon

 Get ready to experience the second eclipse in a series of four intense, provocative lunations along the Aries-Libra axis! We are in the process of utterly transforming our concept of…

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