NEW WORLD; Embodiment

T I M E S have C H A N G E D 🦋 ______________________ So to grow with this N E W W O R L D ______________________ I…

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WELCOME to the Sun sign of Scorpio as if we haven't already experienced enough tremendous amounts of purging happening all around us and within us this year bringing a new…

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RETURN OF THE RISING SUN; Solar Codes of illumination

As the warmth of the sun slowly starts to be reborn with the celebration of the Ancient Imbolc marking the center point between winter and spring otherwise known as Feb.…

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FALL EQUINOX; Uncover the treasures within

What was once hidden from view can now be seen. Laying within you are many inner treasures and gifts. This is your time of discovery as everyone is gifted just…

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KARMIC MAGIC; How much Faith do you have?

How much faith do you really have? Often we will say that we have faith, until life starts to get out of whack and things fall apart. Its easy to…

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RESURRECTION; Ignite your Diamond Brilliance

A lot of extraordinary hype has been electrifying the stratosphere of dynamic proportions with this months 'earth shattering' astrological lineup of cosmic transformation. There has been plenty of speculation building…

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INNER SOUL ALCHEMY; Bridging the Inner World of Light

April promises to be a Cosmic Showdown of a month with some truly page turning life defying moments to important relationships.  There's just no more dwelling in wishy-washy terrain as…

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DIVINE SACRED UNION; The 10 bodies of Light or The TREE of Life

Experience one of the most profound meditation night transmissions in ascension. The 10 Bodies of Light Ignition of the Tree of Life, create the soul to soul connection, the essence…

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[themecolor]There are 2 ways to join in this LIFE ALTERING  Event;Your Invited to[/themecolor] Soul's Journey; Bi-locating holographically to the Paws of the Sphinx!  By Soul Traveling as we step through…

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INFINITY DOWNLOAD; Merging with the Higher Self

[themecolor]WINTER SOUL-istice Sacred Gateway; Birth of your Divine Child[/themecolor]   Through these increased Light frequencies and New Earth Templates, we are  NOW  experiencing a blending of Earthly and Spiritual dimensions,…

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