This year started off with a massive emotional cleansing that brought up old, suppressed,  stagnate energy, belief systems and patterns literally from the bottom of our souls for transmutation. This…

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Aloha Family of Light ! One's reality depends greatly upon the levels at which one chooses to receive as you awaken your multidimensionality you awaken the heaven within.   You…

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SHIFT HAPPENS; with the Violet Flame

As March continue to build in energy the theme of cleaning up our battle scares of the past illusions that have created our reality become ever more evident.  Many are…

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INTERSTELLAR SOUL INFUSIONS; Awakening Transmission and Meditation

Welcome to the new world of remembered multidimensionality. We have been through much trails and tribulations since 2011.  2014 was a  year of enormous emotional healing and cleansing to make…

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SEDONA; Beyond the Vortex

Join Charlotte and Peta for the BEYOND THE VORTEX; SEDONA journey of a lifetime; as we step through the illuminated multidimensional doorway and are granted access beyond the Vortex into…

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DIAMOND SOLAR WISDOM; Star gate Activation

It has become so clear that we cannot expand into our fullest potential unless taking responsibility for identifying & nurturing our needs is first. Our strength is our love for…

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TOTAL ECLIPSE; of the Blood Moon

 Get ready to experience the second eclipse in a series of four intense, provocative lunations along the Aries-Libra axis! We are in the process of utterly transforming our concept of…

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KARMIC MAGIC; How much Faith do you have?

How much faith do you really have? Often we will say that we have faith, until life starts to get out of whack and things fall apart. Its easy to…

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