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Aloha Family of Light!

We finally made it to the Universal 1 year! 2017 in numerology equals a 1! Meaning it is a year to kick start and launch not only your legacy but dare to do sh*t that scares you so that transcend fear and risk living in passion, vitality and grace become the common ground.

This is definitely the year to move forward and the astrology of the now also indicates that as all planets between Jan 8 to Feb 6 dissolving the chaos of 2016 and the finale of mercury Rx. you will feel as if everything is FINALLY falling into place, while some call it fate, many astrologers, seers and light-workers will claim this as a powerful time to manifest and say its important to be intentional about what we want out of life.

“All Planets in Direct Motion offers us an organic synchrnotistic, harmonious collective journey and celestial flow” Darryn Hope

Embrace the hope and transcend energy as we together launch our legacy for the next decade. I wrote this on Jan 11, 2017 (1-11-1) a power vortex of energy day that ignites the soul and allows wishes, dreams and goals to take root and grow with the intention of (time sliding for meditation next Tuesday as time doesn’t exist)! Join us in person or on the astral plan for the holographic transmission as we set your intentions to the universe and allow them to take flight and let your Soul soar!