LIFE RESTORED; Divine Resurrection

Spiritual resurrection is gifted to you now as you have come a long way in your journey. No it hasn't been easy, but you have made it through. Acknowledge for…

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A PORTAL TO ENLIGHTENMENT; Alchemy of the Equinox Heart

Happy Equinox and Astrological New Year! A very special powerful week of which we have just experience the 'critical degree" the last degree of  a sign (Pisces - surrender, dreams,…

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INTERSTELLAR SOUL INFUSIONS; Awakening Transmission and Meditation

Welcome to the new world of remembered multidimensionality. We have been through much trails and tribulations since 2011.  2014 was a  year of enormous emotional healing and cleansing to make…

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RETURN OF THE RISING SUN; Solar Codes of illumination

As the warmth of the sun slowly starts to be reborn with the celebration of the Ancient Imbolc marking the center point between winter and spring otherwise known as Feb.…

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DIAMOND STAR WINTER SOUL-istice; Cosmic Pryamid

Are you ready to evolve to the next level. Its no secret that 2014 was a year of intense rapid change and transfiguration in preparation for it all coming together…

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BURING INTO POWER; Solar Eclipse Wisdom

Welcome to the other side of the Stargate - you are now  entering a  time of REJUVENATION  as a NEW YOU Emerges! You've come a long way baby! No, it…

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TOTAL ECLIPSE; of the Blood Moon

 Get ready to experience the second eclipse in a series of four intense, provocative lunations along the Aries-Libra axis! We are in the process of utterly transforming our concept of…

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