Lets come together with a soul like minded community
Please join us for what will be a memorable evening
Imagine your self surround by candles & crystals, a gorgeous sunset overlooking Hamilton harbor with the Princess Point bridge in the distance…
IGNITING your Soul with Yoga and a Sound Bath
ALIGNING your Chakras with Meditation
FLOWING with the multidimensional MAGIC
ELEVATING your senses as a channeled Live Art show emerges
Lets move through the intensity of these last few weeks of 6 planets being Retrograde (backwards)…
SHIFT your world
En -L I G H T- en your P A T H.
This Life altering intuitive Magic of the
S O L A R E C L I P S E in Cancer is the time for a FRESH START leaving you feeling restored, awaken and ready to grove through the rest of the Summer!
SHIFT your world
En -L I G H T- en your P A T H.
This Life altering intuitive Magic of the
S O L A R E C L I P S E in Cancer is the time for a FRESH START leaving you feeling restored, awaken and ready to grove through the rest of the Summer!