You are currently viewing COSMIC SUPERSTORM; Embrace the Blood Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

COSMIC SUPERSTORM; Embrace the Blood Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

We are practically halfway through the summer and one of the most Cosmic S U P E R S T O R M S ever known. To say that 5 outer planets are Retrograde (major change and transformation) with Mercury the (communication + travel + techno) planet about to throw his hat in the Solar ring, AND we are in between life altering karma balancing eclipses (generally 2 but this season we are experiencing 3)
S H * T  is gettin’  real is an understatement!

Life as we know it is changing at such an alarming accelerated level, lies being exposed (government/  corruption, our inner demons) the intensity, the U P r o o t i n g, ungrounded chaos SEEMS to be reigning as we oscillate between sloth, Ascended Master, inner child trauma and all the magical shit!

One of my favorite ascension Light workers Meg Benedicte who Ive shared many a time previously  before has also written some profound channeled Astro wisdom  I invite you to read for more in depth information
 Much of this eclipse takes place in the astrological sign of Mars, bring with it the C L E A R I N G   energy of the Wild woman archetype of Goddess Lilith  on a D E E P  profound level we are rewiring our cellular DNA, upgrading to heal and rearrange our foundation, money and
t h r i v i n g  for the New World Emergence.
We are B I R T H Q U A K I N G  the F U T U R E 
Please join us for the Blood Moon Eclipse Magic Event details below or book your remedy/revival session to assist these roller coaster times.
Please join us for what will be a p r o f o u n d  evening of  M A G I C

Imagine yourself M O O N L I T after a breath-taking S U N S E T overlooking Hamilton Harbor, Moroccan candles, crystals, incense chilling out with a Tribe called H A M I L T O N    B L I S S

I G N I T I N G your Spiritual W E A L T H with Crystals,

A N C H O R your S O U L with Yoga

I M M E R S E yourself with a H E A L I N G Sound C R Y S T A L Bath and Tibetan singing bowls

A L I G N I N G your C H A K R A ‘s and L I G H T B O D Y with a D Y N A M I C Meditation

F L O W I N G with the Multi-sensory M A G I C

E L E V A T I N G your senses as a channeled L I V E A R T show emerges

A W A K E N your H E A R T  with the sweet nectar of the C A C A O Ceremony

V I B E ing out with a K O M B U C H A/ F I T  O R G A N I C   B L I S S   B A R


H A M I L T O N   is   O M

Surrounded by a C O M M U N I T Y of like- minded R A D I A N T S O U L S.


Lets move through the intensity of these last few weeks of 6 planets being Retrograde (backwards) and allow ourselves to be swept up in the E L E C T R I F Y I N G energy of the longest Lunar Full Blood Moon  Eclipse of the  century (lasting a total of 1 hour 43 powerful mins). This one will R O C K you!

SHIFT your world

En -L I G H T- en your P A T H.

This Life altering intuitive Magic of the


Since we all experienced that profound turning point energy blast from these last few weeks of COSMIC PLANETARY SHIFTS;  the energy has literally LIT us from Within, now we need to anchor and actualize all the incredible downloads with the codes of light. Revive, Restore, Realign, & Reconnect with your body Temple.

This meditation will be a deep surrender, gifting magnetic clarity and allow whatever you  need in this  Cosmic Moment,  the most within the eternal now  in accordance with your specific  vibratory rate and energy will be received.

A powerful  dynamic combination of several difference levels of ascension seats, mindfulness, Violet Flame, Chambers of Light, Sacred Geometry , Merkaba, Language of Light, all to help anchor Heaven on Earth within your Body Temple of Light.

Bring a blanket, yoga mat, water and layer dress as you join  Molly Kubes, Jullian K Lachance  Samantha Carpino, and myself for a profound evening of M A G I C !

Thank you to all our amazing Sponsors


BY suggested DONATION of $20 or pay what you can
THURS JULY 26 @  7:30 – 9:30 pm 

Pier 4  Beach
 64 Leander Dr, Hamilton Ont

** next to the Red Tugboat playground **

  After you will be emailed the Receiving Details Passport for this transmission anywhere along the astral plane or location on the planet.

Much apologies it is now working. Thank you for your patience

For those joining us in holographic virtual transmission your donation below initiates the process. You’ll receive the Holographic departure details after Donation is made –

REGISTRATION – Click here;

or in personal at

  THURS JULY 26 @  7 :30 – 9:30 pm