These past few days a lot of emotionally charge clients have come for sessions, as we began peeling back the layers it became evident that a massive cleanse within the root and sacral chakra was happening. So much so in fact that by sheer synchronicity I had bough an Amethyst stone realizing later it was in the shape of the vulva. Meaning that; a lot of the wounds that have been suppressed within the wound, and sexual issues and rape were truly coming to the surface to be transmuted and healed. As the divine feminine returns and is anchoring back on the planet in dynamic fashion some of the deepest, darkest and most painful memories held within our cellular memory and DNA are being lifted. Reuniting our soul fragment, the powerful ancient wisdom, & healing the emotional codes to reveal WHOLENESS within the Magdalen codes.
All the pain that had not only been denied but how many people have suffered in silence, paraylsing fear that it became clear it was time to embrace and transmute this wound. I am grateful to the work of Dr. Joshua David stone as just in divine timing of asking did this beautiful prayer literally fall into my hands. For how else do we evolve than to embrace these wounds and transmute them to love.
Begin this meditation by first clearing and igniting sacred space. Ask for the proper protection and then ask that all abusive nature to self’ be transmuted. Surround yourself with a field of unconditional self-love. Then invoke your Masters, including beloved Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, and beloved Lord Maitreya.
This particular social issue has been singled out as it is also a personal issue that many suffer with in silence. It is often well-hidden from all except those that are most directly involved. By the power of this healing meditation, the required light and love will reach into those dark and hidden places. If there is a specific situation of this kind that you wish to focus on then do so. Otherwise, ask that your meditation go outward to anyone and everyone in need. This would include the abuser as well as the abused. Ask for the unconditional love of Mother Mary, the all-pervasive healing, compassion and mercy of Kuan Yin, and the love/wisdom of the Christ to infuse all abusive situations. Also request of the Violet Flame of St. Germain that all misqualified energies contributing to the situation be transmuted. Visualize now this unconditional love, wisdom, mercy, compassion and Divine Alchemy transforming these particular energies of abuse into energies of love. See and feel that which you have invoked entering into the field and hearts of all involved in this type of situation, quieting all storms and allowing wisdom and love to rule rather than uncontrolled anger. Focus this mostly upon the perpetrator, yet do not forget to ask for the compassion and mercy of Kuan Yin to enter the heart and minds of those who have themselves been abused. In order for a total healing to take place, all must ultimately be forgiven and brought to some form of harmony and peace.
So, what we are trying to accomplish via the Masters’ help is to help heal the entire situation in as complete a manner as possible. This is a most sensitive area that we have ventured into here, and we do our best work by means of prayer and requesting the Divine Intervention of the Masters as long as the Higher Selves of those involved agree. The most appropriate way to do this work is to allow the Masters to work through us.
These prayers are much needed, my beloved readers, and anyone who gives any service time by requesting to be conduits for this healing energy will surely be much blessed. At the conclusion of this meditation, be sure to ask to be cleared of any unwanted and extraneous emotional energies that you may have picked up.
From Dr. Joshua David Stone