This profound last 6 months has left many including myself in a state of des-cension, where traveling to the deepest, darkest parts of our psyche has been not only addressed but revealed an even deeper layer between the spaces to be healed. Even the planets have lent their voices as Jupiter and Venus have trined in a way that activate the 3rd Gate of personal power the Solar Plexus Chakra and reclaiming your personal power.
This guidance brought forth in an unprecedented way however random things may seem their is a divine order and during this monumental Summer Solstice of rebirth, and becoming the physical embodiment of heaven on earth. It was during my last shamanic Dearth rites of passage I was guided to bring forth the powerful annual News Years Eve initiation transmission of the Holographic Journey to the Sphinx. Its time to realign with our Divine blueprint and open the gateways to the next level of our Souls conscious journey.
Your Invited to
Activate your Inter-dimensional Passport!

GERALDO’S PAVILION in La Salle Park in Burlington
50 North shore Blvd
Between 730 – 830PM EST during the Sacred Space Creation & Invocation portion we will activate a LIGHT VORTEX so those of you joining in holographically located across the globe may receive this powerful Infinity & Beyond Transmission, download at your most convenient choice/intention appropriate time. Access to this powerful infused transmission will be programmed ‘suspended in time’ available until your intention initiates the process.

Chambers of Light;
Great White Lodge on Sirus
An introduction and play shop to Soul Traveling/Bi-locating / Tele-portation.
Diamond Soul Activation & Ignition of Abundance creativity,
Holographic Soul Traveling Journey to the New Diamond Pyramids of Creation & Sphinx

Sacred Sanctuary space creation,
An Ascension Journey Meditation Over lighted by the Heavenly Realms to Anchoring our Sacred Roots,
In addition to closing off, clearing and completing any ‘unfinished business’ from the amazing intense energies of the last 6 months of 2015.
Golden Chamber of Melchizedek, Solar core,An introduction and play shop to Soul Traveling/Bi-locating / Tele-portation.
New Earth Templates, Diamond Geometries of Light, Solar codes of Initiation, Divine Mother Pearl Activation
Diamond Soul Activation & Ignition of Abundance creativity,
Holographic Soul Traveling Journey to the New Diamond Pyramids of Creation & Sphinx

GERALDO’S PAVILION in La Salle Park in Burlington
This transmission/meditation will foster an enormous ascension acceleration, restoring magnetic clarity while igniting your brilliance.
Kundalini Cosmic & Earth Activation;
brings in the Solar and Earth energies to synthesis your Light Body integrating and anchoring it into your physical structure.
Arcturian, Golden Chamber of Melchizedek, Solar Sun, White Lodge of Sirius Mt. Shasta, Giza Plateau
Chambers of Light included;
Inter-dimensional, Quantum Transfiguration, Diamond Geometry, Soul Infusion Matrix, Crystalline Light infusion, & the Multidimensional healing & integration
Experience burning into the powerful magic of transcending lower vibrational toxic energy within your aura, body and hologram to ignite your brilliance. You will also feel your entire DNA Sacred Geometry structure being transfigured into the Diamond crystalline frequency.

JUNE 23 – 730pm
GERALDO’S PAVILION in La Salle Park in Burlington
50 North shore Blvd

– Janet Sinclair, Kauai, Hawaii