Venus Stargate Transfiguration

On May 22, Venus day or the Goddess Astrology day of Magdalene,  the New Moon in Gemini ignites the Eclipse Gateway.

Sparking the Portal of Transfiguration alongside the Venusian Retrograde as she enters the Grande Finale of her cosmic pentagram dance that began in 2012, completing an almost 8- year cycle of her 5 petaled Rose orbit. Energetically she has been rebuilding the Higher Mystery School Etheric Temples of Isis on our planet that debut’s on June 25 as Venus re-births as the Morning Star shining her light for the next 8-year cycle. 

As many of you may have felt, there has been an unprecedented profound shift in energy and consciousness happening on our planet that will further amp up over the next 6 weeks.  The Galactic and Interdimensional realms have been assisting Venus weaving together the Earth Grid and Etheric Temples of Light at specific vortex points, while simultaneously awakening, supporting and reactivating DEEP FROM WITHIN (read that again) your DNA, molecule and cellular structure of the Sacred Feminine key codes seeded thousands of years before. As above, So below; 
From the first civilizations of Mu to The shores of the Egyptian Temples on the Nile, spanning to The Mysteries of Sword of Truth & Holy Grail Initiations of Avalon, and beyond.

These templates have been ordained to be re-birthed at this sacred gateway moment in our collective her-story.Our Dream-time has also been enhanced with initiations,  a heightened sense of intuition and remembrance as our Ancestors watch on and support us  midwifing the birthing of;

  The New Rose Code frequencies, Krystalline Energy Grids and
 Template models embedded within the Earth’s Grid and Ley Lines 
since the 2012 Galactic Activation’s with
 the start of Venus 8 -year transit that’s coming to end now. 

 Many of you have been experiencing rolling pains, issues around your lower back, womb/hara (men) and hips during these moment to moment upgrade integrations as they shake into being. 

Join Us
 for this next UP LEVELING Sacred Initiated Gateway  which in the past was made only available to  the Higher Initiates  of  the Temples of Isis and the High Priestess of the Magdalene Order & Venusian Priestess  Codes. 

The Star of InannaThis will be different from our other Activation’s, Meditation within the Goddess Alchemy Mystery School FB group as this is a SACRED INITIATION. This transcendent sacredness of energy cannot be out in the open for all eyes, ears.  These gateways are now accessible to you as you feel the truth within your cells coming alive.

 You will be guided by the Goddess Venus/Inanna and be initiated through the spiralling 8 Gateways of Descent and the 8 Gateways of Ascent of the Underworld.  Deep diving into the depths of your Soul to release, surrender and purify your deepest shadow/ego aspects of self to rebirth your Soul, Divine Feminine Essence, to your Highest Sovereign Priest/ess Divinity Self embodiment.

Such an incredible Divine Timing to be working with the energies of Death and Rebirth activating your Divine Feminine Essence and frequencies working with the Goddess Inanna represented by the 8- pointed star as the synchronicity of the New Moon (darkest point) also ignites the 6-wk Eclipse Gateway during the Venus Retrograde cycle. It is also Venus day and the 22 represents A Magdalene Numerology. 


Venusian Initiation Temple of Transfiguration Stargate (2 hours)

Including within Recording

Rosa Mystica Wisdom & Teaching 

Triple Flame Stargate Activation {Womb, Heart and 3rd Eye}
Krystalline Grid Sound Bath Healing
Sound Healing  
Goddess Alchemy  Rose Temple Star Priestess Initiation

Here’s how to get started:

1. Join us in the Facebook Group and watch the April 28th {FREE- REPLAY} of the powerful Venusian Rose Priest/ess Temple Activation firstReceiving the Isis Key-codes and be initiated into the Temple of the Venus Star.  *NOTE* This feed was blown out and broken into 2 segments
 **This was the first of the series of initiations unknown to myself at the time**

2. Join us for a Global Online Activation event to receive the

3. The event will be held  L I V E  on May 22ND  at 7:07pm EST on ZOOM 

L I V E  on ZOOM
FRIDAY MAY 22, 2020
7:07pm EASTERN  |   4:07pm PACIFIC  |   8:07am OZ   |  1:07pm Hawaii   |  12am UK 

4. This Initiation would normally be offered at $44 with a Bonus early bird,  but in lieu of the Stay at home order, the Bonus will be by a  SLIDING SCALE DONATION  basis with a suggestion between $22 to $44 whichever feels right for you it is all received gratefully .

Purchase Now Link  SLIDING SCALE $22 – $44 click here
Have a question? Contact me.

Individual Sessions Available

Book sessions

Golden Goddess 4 month Mentorship {CLOSED, Next Enrollment Aug  } 

Please email for more details



Sovereign Divinity Rose Queen/King-dom 13 Moon Spiral


Join us for the REPLAY of May’s Cosmic messages, energies, fire ceremony, and crystal grid
within our

Goddess Alchemy Sistarhood Mystery School FB 

From my heart to yours and the heart of all creations I am honoured to connect with each and every one of you. Charlotte