Summer SOUListice Synergy

)a1Each lifetime is infused with a purpose, and when that lifetime is complete, the energy of that lifetime is brought back into earth offered up and dismantled from physical form. As the intense energies subside from the transformational shedding or death of our old selves this spring we have all shared  many moments and epiphanies now ignite us as we experience a paradigm shift.  Like lightning amazing ideas come to you that may even change the world, family, relationships, your perception, or at the very least will change the way you see it, your place in it and the power of Spirit manifest through you when you remember to get out of your own way.

000openingTherefore, during certain phases during the evolution of our individual consciousness, all that is out of step with the union and alignment with our soul will be revealed. Not only do limiting beliefs, behaviors and old wounds rise to the surface of our awareness but also human connections that do not honor our emerging true self will be highlighted. The inconsistencies in our life give us the opportunity to raise our frequency by eliminating anything that stands in the way of entering more fully into a union with our soul.

“Growing is all about the leaps into the seeming unknown. Before you can find your way home, you must linger in the place of the not knowing. Stay there until the next step organically arises. sit until the questions that need to be lived show themselves. By surrendering to the unknown, you create the space for a deeper knowing to emerge. Befriend your confusion. Don’t be fooled by its chaotic appearance – this is good confusion.  Its a sign that your soul is in transition. Welcome it as a friend that has come from far away to bring you home. Be open to it. Keep it close.
– Taken from Soulshaping by Jeff Brown

During this powerful portal of time, this summer SOUListice invites you to
You’ve learnt everything there is to learn from your past repetitive patterns, emotional issues, thought forms, so repeating them a hundred times more is not going to give you anything new. Instead let us give thanks and bless them asking that with ease and grace these energies, vibrations and frequencies return to their Source, that they are dismantled and their purpose concluded. You are completing all of your past, present and future thought forms that do not serve you.

)root-chakra-mark-preston At the base of all of this YOU ARE SOURCE.

As we embrace our and remember that our individual purpose is to express our unique fascet of source energy. We will be delving into the depths of the ROOT CHAKRA, igniting its purest form of raw power, awakening the full knowledge held within your perineum the home of your Master Cells and acknowledging that you are a Master of abundance of source, unification and aligned with Source expressing radiant health, abundance, joy, vitality and all that you are longing for.

PLEASE JOIN us for this magnificent SOUL-istice Transmission either in person or on the crystalline grid;
This integral part of your Evolution will ignite the Re-Birth of your Alignment with your Root Chakra and the overflowing brilliance of Source. Explore and ignite the Master Cells within your Perineum that will accelerate your ascension process by grounding and manifesting your greatest dreams.

Igniting your Soul in reclaiming your sacred roots, clear, grounding, and strengthen you in receiving the Sound Harmonics in deeper connection with the crystalline core heart center of the Mother Earth.

Blend and merging the 2 Divine Currents of the Cosmic and Earth Kundalini igniting the infinite well to flow through your aura, body and hologram.

 )cIncluding; Quantum Transfiguration Chambers of Light, Akashic Energetic clearing, Diamond Alignment,  Language of Light Transmissions, Merkaba, Chakra Infusion, Sacred Diamond Geometries, fire letters and key codes.

As you bathe in and absorb the deepest of frequencies  you will feel and sense a profound change, magnetic clarity,  happening within yourself because you will be reconnecting with your Divine Self.