INNER SOUL ALCHEMY; Bridging the Inner World of Light

April promises to be a Cosmic Showdown of a month with some truly page turning life defying moments to important relationships.  There's just no more dwelling in wishy-washy terrain as…

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NAKEDNESS; A Sacred Spring Encounter

Like the book a Tale of 2 Cities; it was the best of times it was the worst of times, in the spirit of becoming more naked, vulnerable and transparent,…

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A new vision and understanding of RADICAL SELF-ACCEPTANCE  and SOUL VISIBILITY anchor; where you both shine and inspire so much by personal example; that you  tempt  others to have the…

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PURE PRESENCE OF THE SOUL; Ignite your Soul, Transform your life

[themecolor] Mastery is only gained through self-conscious effort, one must apply it to get results, just wishing won't do it. - St. Germaine [/themecolor]  Do you feel a presence? That…

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