[themecolor]There are 2 ways to join in this LIFE ALTERING  Event;Your Invited to[/themecolor] Soul's Journey; Bi-locating holographically to the Paws of the Sphinx!  By Soul Traveling as we step through…

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INFINITY DOWNLOAD; Merging with the Higher Self

[themecolor]WINTER SOUL-istice Sacred Gateway; Birth of your Divine Child[/themecolor]   Through these increased Light frequencies and New Earth Templates, we are  NOW  experiencing a blending of Earthly and Spiritual dimensions,…

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PURE PRESENCE OF THE SOUL; Ignite your Soul, Transform your life

[themecolor] Mastery is only gained through self-conscious effort, one must apply it to get results, just wishing won't do it. - St. Germaine [/themecolor]  Do you feel a presence? That…

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ALCHEMY OF THE HEART; Ignite divine bliss, ecstasy and magick…

COSMIC TEMPLE STAR-GATE ACTIVATION   As we take a moment to reflect back on the universal theme of the last 3 months being a massive spring cleaning and clearing we…

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